The story behind the IFM x Reprise collaboration
This pouch is a creation of the IFM in collaboration with the association Reprise, made from materials kindly donated by the IFM's partner brands, and manufactured by the Afghan refugees of Reprise.
Thanks to the IFM's Fablab and the know-how of the Reprise association, we have given them a second life.
The association
Reprise is a creative fashion label for eco-responsible fashion launched a year ago by IFM students as part of the IFM x Kering Sustainable Development Certificate. The association brings together refugees, volunteers and designers. It welcomes refugees to the Antony accommodation centre who use their sewing talents to make upcycled clothes, thus enabling them to find a job and secure their future in France.
The sewers
Reprise gives the inhabitants of the Antony refugee centre the opportunity to use and perfect their sewing skills. The diversity of experience enriches the workshop and the products that are made.
On the left is a picture of two of Jamshid, who is sewing a pouch at IFM.
The workshop
As much as a workspace, the workshop is a place to meet and exchange, a place for sewers and volunteers to share and grow together! The pouches are created both in the Reprise workshop and in the classrooms from Institut Français de la Mode.
The materials
One of the pillars of Reprise is sustainability. All the materials and supplies used for the pouches are donated by the IFM Foundation's brands.